Here is another topic that I would love to make an updated video on.
Almost two years ago, I made a video for my Youtube channel titled Cost of Living in Folsom CA. Here is the link to that video:
Today, with more and more people having solar for their home, I'm sure it's changed some.
Tell us what your approximate monthly costs are and if you have solar or not. Let us know if you have a Whole House Fan as well or anything else that you do to help you conserve energy.
Do you have a special membership that allows you to save money on certain items? Let us know. We would all love to help each other save on our monthly costs.
How about child care? My kids are grown, but I know this is an expense that has to be taken into consideration.
Tips or hacks that you can share with us.
I'll do an updated video on this once I have enough ideas to make an updated video.
I'd be happy to send you a copy of the new video. Just ask!